Monday, July 3, 2017

"That's not a schooner, that's a sailboat!"

Day 15: Wednesday, July 1st
Steps taken: 0 (Probably a few thousand at least.  My pedometer was dead at this point.)

While it was warm enough sleeping in the SWAGs outside, it wasn't completely comfortable.  There were points that I slept soundly, and others where I was well aware that I was in a SWAG bag.  I woke up fully just before the sun rose.  I took some pictures of the sun rising over the surrounding area especially the mountain.  We had eggs, bacon, and toast for breakfast, and then loaded our stuff on the buss after packing up our SWAGs.

Our next stop was down the road from the cattle station where there were actual cattle.  We were at a family ranch/farm where there were a few cows, several goats, a few pigs, some chickens, three horses, and a few huge dogs plus one little rat terrier who ran with the best of them.  We fed the animals here.  I got a shock on the fence because I wasn't careful when reaching through to feed.  Nothing major.  Just a slight jolt.  It was a fun experience that still didn't smell as funky as the train station.

When we left the farm we were heading to a town called Sarina for lunch.  We stopped once on the way.  I picked up a Weis mango macademia nut ice cream bar, which was quite refreshing.  I also finished my book on the way to town since it was almost a two hour drive.  I started to read The Warlock, which is the 5th book in The Immortal Nicholas Flamel series.

We arrived in Sarina, which was a nice town.  We walked to a shopping plaza for supplies, food, and costumes.  There was to be a costume party the next night.  I wasn't really feeling much of what was there, and didn't want to pay $30 for a mediocre Batman costume that I probably wouldn't wear again so I went with a few minor things to come close to recreating what I dressed up as last Halloween: Vincent Van Gogh.  I got some granola bars, and rice crackers for snacks, and then got a hotdog with bacon and cheese, and a virgin mojito for lunch.

After eating I got back on the bus, and we were off to get our boat to sail us around the Whitsundays.  We were asked by the Captain and crew to help with hoisting the sails, and then we were off.  I was enjoying watching the water from the shady side of the yacht while everyone else was sunbathing on the other side.  After a while I went below deck to read a bit and konked out for I guess twenty minutes. Walked up deck, and a snack of nachos was being served.  Never thought I'd be eating nachos on a yacht in Australia, but when in the Whitsundays.

Afterwards I feel asleep again, and woke up closer to when we docked for dinner.  Dinner was spaghetti and meat sauce.  Never thought I'd be eating spaghetti on a...well you get the idea.  Dessert was a really moist chocolate cake.  I think the G in G Adventures stands for 'Gourmet' with all the excellent meals they provide you.

The moon was full, and we all congregated up top.  We did a raffle benefiting Planet Terra.  I bought one ticket to support Planet Terra, but could have bought more.  I didn't win anything, but I'll donate more money to Planet Terra when I get the chance since they are a terrific cause looking out for the environment and locals.  Some of the prizes for the raffle were a shot glass, dinner, a free scuba dive, and a free jungle swing in Cairns.  Oh right.  There was also a penis shaped whistle.  I'm soooo sooooooooo disappointed that I didn't win that one.  After enough socializing I went back to my bed to read, and rest up for a thrilling day on the water.

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