Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Snorkeling and sailing to the max!

Day 17: Friday, July 3rd, 2015
Steps taken: 6,054

I awoke a few minutes before everyone else.  I got ready for the day, and went up top while it was quiet.  It was still a bit messy from the previous night's soiree, but the full moon was disappearing with the morning's first light.  Then everyone else got their wake up.  Unfortunately it wasn't the same literal wake up song as the morning before.  (I need to find that song, and set my alarm to it.) For breakfast I had a PB&J on raisin toast.  Then we headed to our next spot for early morning snorkeling.

My ears were feeling mostly better from diving, and although my feet and neck were had some sunburn (Burned on all continents! I am the ultimate ginger adventurer!) I wanted to go.  I hastily put on a wetsuit while the first zodiac took people out, and was on the second wave.  While I was fighting panic and discomfort while diving, snorkeling was liberating and almost natural.  I would do laps of a minute or two with the various fish in the reefs swimming over their coral beds.  There were blue, black and white striped fish, rainbow colored fish, little fish, big fish; it was a marine menagerie.  I think I even spotted Namor, Aquaman, Kanye West, and even Waldo.  I loved every second of it.  I didn't want to get out of the water.  I would go scuba diving again if I had the chance, but I can see myself going snorkeling frequently although I can't imagine as many spots being as magnificent as this especially not my home of Long Island, which was pretty filthy waters.

After I reluctantly got back on the boat, we had some watermelon and orange slices, and packed up the rest of our things because we were heading full sail ahead to Airlie Beach.  Everyone else went up top, but I stayed below to try and write.  The Boomerang titled to the right side, and everything not secure on the left side went flying.  I held onto my journal and myself for dear life.  It was chaos, but exhilarating chaos.  After a few minutes, Christine came down to do a few things, and asked if I was coming up.  Seeing as that I wasn't getting much done below deck except testing my holding strength I went up top where the world was titled down.  I found a secure spot, and watched the scenery getting hit by wild waves and ocean spray as we raced towards Airlie.  It was a thrilling hour or two balancing myself until the world was level again.

When we reached Airlie, we collected our things, said goodbye to Captain Liam, Christine, and Vince, and headed towards our base camp for the night.  It was a fifteen-twenty minute walk from the marina to the hostel, and we got to walk along some of the beach area.  There was even an inflatable water park along the way.

Upon arriving at the hostel, we were given our room assignments.  I was in a room with Lazar, and Martin.   I started charging my 3DS, and camera, and got an internet card to let my family know that I was still alive.  Around 2pm I went to the Down Under bar next door, and got a Hawaiian style personal thin crust pizza.  Then I returned to the room until about 5:15 when I walked down the main street of Airlie to the cove, and back.  I took about a forty minute nap, and then we headed to Down Under for dinner.  I had tempura fish and chips, and a 5 Seeds apple cider.  The fish could have been a little better since it was a bit mushy but otherwise a decent meal.  They had a punch strength machine at the bar.  I put in for two credits.  My first punch was 665, and my second was 632.  My best of all time was 728.  I rushed my first punch, and then was trying to build up energy with my second but was interrupted a few times with people walking past.  The machine's top score was in the 800s, and I would have liked to have gotten a little closer to that.  Oh well.  Some other time.

After dinner, instead of bar hopping with some of the others I relaxed back at the room, and packed up for our 4 am start the next morning heading to Cairns.

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